Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Flow of the Market

I suggest watching this video as an emphasis on the previous one, since it gives a better insight on the particularity of the FOREX price action and what makes it so special and dynamic.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Heartbeat of the Market

I think it is more than vital to understand what the practical part of day trading is.
Most of you are thinking that what I just said is obvious. But many of the aspiring day traders have a twisted idea of what day trading really involves. 

It is important to forget about Technical Indicators until you are ready to incorporate them, because using these tools early on WILL hinder your progress speed.

The first step to understanding the process, or better, the Act of trading, is to fully understand the concept of Price Action. 

Watch this video twice or more:

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Understanding the Business

Day trading Forex successfully is not a matter of skill. The only way to become profitable in the long run is all about having a consistent plan. Becoming a trader is becoming the owner of a business. In order to make a living off of it, you must pay attention to the logistics even more than the practical aspects such as technical analysis. A trading strategy is nothing short of a full scale Business strategy.

Risk management is the next most important aspect of becoming a full time day trader.
The following video is by far the most in depth lesson on this crucial aspect;
 I highly suggest taking notes.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The first step to Trading Any Market

Money management is the single most important aspect to get you on track to learning how to become a profitable trader, regardless of the market.

This video will give you an idea of what trading really is as a profession, and not a gambling vice.

This user explains it best, and I can attest to his reliability as a source of information.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Learning Exactly what Forex is

The following guides should get the brand new aspirants on the right track, while the more knowledgeable could find some useful information.
If you're following this blog full time it is wise to start here in order to get a complete walk through to profitability.

By far the best source to get an understanding of the Forex market is the guide provided by (be wary of this website though, it does contain a lot misinformation)

Here is their article

One of the most comprehensive videos for beginners that I have seen, is provided by chatforex, who has been a reliable source of information since the start.

This is not the typical FOREX blog..

Hello everyone, I would like to begin this project by giving a brief introduction of myself, and then explain what the purpose of this blog really is.

My name is Tyler Ellis McWilliams, and I'm a young FOREX trader in my early twenties.
I have also traded US small cap stocks and commodities.
I'm not a trading titan, just your average trader who has managed to squeeze into the 5% of retail traders who actually make a living off of the markets.
I was born in Italy, and I have lived in the USA for 5 years. I currently reside in Geneva, Switzerland.

The purpose of this blog is not to instruct you on how to trade profitably, but rather help you get on the right track to become a successful trader and learn this elusive business the right way.

The internet is filled with misinformation and subjective lessons, and this causes the average newbie to waste months on searching for valuable lessons alone. I've been there, and for the longest time I have scoured through countless YouTube channels and even more Forums and Blogs.

If I didn't have to waste the large amount of time that I did in the blind search for valuable information, I would have become profitable in 1/10th of the time that it actually took me, and that is no joke.

I will be posting both valuable and vital sources of information, so you can learn without any snake oil.